January 18, 2003

Well, it was my sweet little girls’ birthday last Thursday, January 18. She is now 4 years old. How is that possible? She was just born, right? Why does time go faster when we are older? I remember 4th grade. That year seemed to go on and on and on. It was the longest year I can think of. Now I find that not only has 4th grade ended, but I’m 27 and I’ve been married for 7 years. I have a 6 year old, a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 7 month old. Time loves to sprout wings on me and fly away!

Grace is my sensitive, snuggly, charming little girl. While her older sister is a “tom boy”, Grace is my “girly girl”. She love dresses (although we all wear dresses, so that probably doesn’t count), dolls, anything pink and anything “mommy-ish”. But don’t be fooled. There is a deep, deep quite stubornmess in her. Interestingly enough, although she is quieter then her sister, she seems to be more of a leader, then a follower. But time will tell whether or not this it true. She is also my smallest child ( she has obviously gotten the elusive petiet genes that hide in both our familes), so her quietness “fits” her.

Her big brown eyes just sparkle when she laughs and her smile lights up her whole body. I often times hear her telling her sibling that “we can’t do that. Jesus said no”. I tryto constantly evaluate what I’m teaching my girls about being a woman. And not just any woman, but a woman for Gods glory. Do they see me having my “quiet time” with God? This is so important! If you have your time with God behind closed doors, how will your children know that this is done? How do they see me treat my husband? Do I respect him in every way I can and encourage, help him in any way I can? When I get frustrated, annoyed, or angery, how am I teaching them to handle these emotions?…..The list goes on and on. It’s an awsome responsibility, isn’t it?

Dear heavenly Father,
I thank you for this beautiful little girl you have given us. I’ve understood from the time we knew she was coming until this day, that she is yours and only “on loan” to us. I know that the greater amount of her knowledge will be learned from me. Oh, what a burden that is! So I ask you to guide my footsteps. It needs to be You teaching her through me. I am full of mistakes and errors, Lord. If left up to me, I will fail her. I need your help, every moment of every day. You are the perfect parent. Teach me to be like You. I love this little girl of Yours so very much. Thank you for deeming me worthy to be her mother and thank you for this precious life. Amen.

Happy birthday pretty girl!

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