Now what?

A few weeks ago, a family lost their son. He just up and died, is what we heard. This evening, we heard the real story.

Some families don’t believe in seeing or using doctors in any way. And sometimes, babies are born with disorders that can be easily treated. But because of their belief about not using doctors, they never seek treatment. And these disorders could progress fully get worse and worse. This is what happened with this particular boy. The boy has been sick for the last month or so and the parents had counsel from just about everyone, to take this boy to the doctor and get him treated. They still refused. This disorder killed him.

Do I believe that God can heal? Of course. They believe that God promises us that we will be healed. But just because He can, and has, doesn’t mean He always will. I truly don’t understand people with this belief. I don’t run to the doctor whenever my child has a cough. That’s ridiculous. But I do believe that God has bestowed the capability of knowledge to certain people to help heal. And I believe He has allowed us to learn about diseases and to find cures. There is a reason that certain diseases don’t have cures yet. He has not allowed them to be found.

Over New Years weekend, we discovered that Malachi’s heart beats too fast. He had a cold, and with the combination of his cold and his heart beating fast, he turned blue. Our pediatrician was the first to suspect SVT. I believe that God gave her the knowledge, and the previous experience, to help us. The cardiologist said that his condition would not cause him to turn blue.
So I believe that He caused that to happen to prompted us to find out what was wrong, even before we even knew something was wrong.

I know there is a fine line between believing in God and taking matters into our own hands. Who is to say that not going to doctors isn’t taking matters into ones’ own hands? The whole while I was in both ambulances, the entire night in the Rhinelander hospital, through out that day, the traumatic time at Marshfield hospital (traumatic for me), I was in prayer. I prayed that God would guide the minds and hands of the doctors that we dealt with. That He would bring us to the correct discovery of Malachi’s condition. And that if it was His will for Him to take Malachi home, that He would carry me through that as well. God was always a part or our time there. I don’t believe that just because someone goes to a doctor, they are excluding God.

So I don’t know what to do or think about this. I mean, they were dogmatic enough and believed it strongly enough, that their son died. Now what? What do you do with that? Do they start to question their faith? Is the boy dead because they didn’t believe enough? Or are they wrong about God always healing His children?

I pray for them. And my heart aches for what they have to be processing.

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