Should I say “Cheaper by the dozen”?

Well, here I am. I’m not gone. I have not run away (although I sure have had my temptations!). I’ve just been busy. It takes time to sit and write something. Lately, if I have had time to sit, I’m eating or sleeping. But now I have a few minutes with the children playing nicely on the floor ~ we’ll see how long that lasts.

Speaking of children, we are expecting a December baby! Yep, that’s right. #5 is on the way. And this one is throwing me for a loop. I know they say that all pregnancies are different, but that hasn’t been my experience. With the girls, they were very similar with me not having headaches, not really being hungry, losing 20+ pounds, not having heart burn…. But with the boys, I had headaches from the start, I was always hungry, I lost weight but not as much, and I had heart burn. So with this one, I’m not getting headaches (yet), half the time I’m hungry, while the other half I’m not, I haven’t lost any weight yet, and I’ve already experienced bad heart burn. All this at 6 weeks.

* In case you were wondering: The children are no longer playing nicely. That didn’t take long, did it? *

When I tell people this, what is their response? Maybe it’s a boy and a girl. You know, because I’m experiencing things from both my “girl” and “boy” pregnancies. I even get this response from people who don’t know about what I’m feeling and stuff. It makes me wonder. I would like twins. Yes, even now. I’m not sure why, but I would. I think they would be fun and what an addition to our family! Not that a single baby wouldn’t be a joyful addition, because s/he certainly would be.

I’ve been struggling with my blood sugar for the past 2 days. I’m hypoglycemic, which means that my blood sugar is always low. Even when I take those awful gestational diabetes glucose tests (it makes me shutter just thinking about it!), my blood sugar has never been above 100. And 90 – 110 is the normal range. So the only way to control it is through my diet. I am feeling better now then I did this morning, but I’m still not myself. It’s not so low that I have a head ache (thankfully! Those head aches are the worts kind!), but it’s low enough that it takes a lot of effort to do things. The doctors say that orange juice is absorbed into the body faster then any juice, so I’ve been drinking as much of that as I can stomach (I don’t really like orange juice). That has helped and I did some yard work, with the fresh air and excersize also helping.

Well, that’s about it. I’ll talk to you all next time. Hopefully that will be sooner then 2 weeks. 0:)

*BTW, I did finish those vests for my mother. And she has them already. It’s nice to be done with those. Now it’s just everything else. Although I did do 6 bloomers, 4 slips, 2 night gowns and 2 jumpers in 3 days. And that was only half of my “pile”. *

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