what comes around, goes around

Well, it’s that time of year again. Grace woke up real early this morning, sounding like a seal. To anyone who’s ever heard that kind of cough before, you know what I’m talking about: croup. She has gotten it this time of year since she was 2 1/2. This will make it her 3rd time around. Thankfully, I still have an inhaler around for her to use when the wheezing gets really bad. She not only woke me up, but she woke up her father and her sister. They are two of the heaviest sleepers you will ever meet. And I didn’t think she was that loud.


Anyway, I haven’t been getting much sleep as of late. I’m 26 weeks, but I feel as if I’m 36 weeks. And that is no exaggeration. I’m sore, I can’t sleep well, I can feel the baby move really well, and I’m bigger earlier then I ever have been. I know they say that with every subsequent pregnancy you will feel more and more, but I wasn’t prepared for this! I must say that I really don’t have any reason to complain. Up until now, I have had healthy pregnancies, with not high blood pressure, no morning (or any time) sickness, no cramping (the bad-sign kind), no bleeding, no reasons for bed rest, not even weight gain (I always lose from the beginning until around 6 months, then I gain most of that lost weight back by the time the baby is born. But I have always been under my pregnancy weight when the baby is born.). I have only voiced these “complaints” to my husband and my mother. I have healthy pregnancies and babies to be thankful for, and I am. I feel okay posting this here because not many people read this.

The point is: I am so tired and sore. “Growing pains” kind-of sore. And not getting much sleep doesn’t make things much better. I know your not supposed to pray for yourself, but I can’t help asking the Lord for sleep and rest. I am able to get a few naps in during the week, but one most days by the time supper time rolls around, I’m dragging really bad. Going to bed used to be something I looked forward to, but now it’s dreaded. I can’t sleep on my back (and still breathe anyway), I can’t sleep on my stomach (for obvious reasons), and I can’t be on one side more then and hour. Rolling over every hour or so makes for a long night. And my poor husband! He’s not sleeping well, either. Who would be, with a whale-like creature rolling over and over next to you?! (I realize I’m not a whale or even close to a baby one. But it sure feels like it when your trying to roll over!)

This is not what I really wanted to post on today, but I needed to “vent” somewhere where I wouldn’t get the “if it’s that bad, then stop having children” or “you got yourself into this, so why are you complaining to me?” kind-of looks (and/or comments) or the “here we go again” look/comment. Yes, I know I choose each pregnancy with our choice of no birth control and I’m blessed with every birth. But that doesn’t mean I’m superhuman and I don’t feel the aches and pains like others do. I’m not made of rock either. I don’t think that complaining about things during pregnancy means your are complaining about the child. But I know some people think that. And I’m careful about that. I also want to be careful about sounding too ungrateful.

I’ve been up since 6:30 am (but awake for the majority of the time since 2:30 am). Boy, it sure makes for a looooong day! Is it really only 3:20 pm?

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