How about this funny?

(I’m taking a much need break from the “baby blues” today. I figured I’ve done enough whining to last me for quite awhile.)

The one thing about a bigger family is that when one person gets sick, it will get passed around and around and around….. And there’s really nothing you can do about it. That’s what we have been doing around here for the past few months. Playing that merry-go-round. Nothing really serious, just those colds that love to move in and not leave until Spring. Yeah, you know the kind.

I didn’t really realize exactly how much, and for how long, we have all been sick with the sniffles until the other day. As you know with colds, noses are always being blown and an occasional “spitting” is necessary into the garbage can.

So as I was working at my sewing machine, Malachi comes into the room and starts to play. Then he gets up, walks to the garbage can next to me, puts his head over the container while he is making a spitting noise. I look at him and thought “did he do what I just thought he did?”. Sure enough, a few minutes later, he stops playing, walks over to the garbage again and “spits” into it. And then, if that’s not crazy enough, he finds a clean Kleenex on the floor, puts it up to his nose and pretends to blow.

Now I ask you, how funny is that?! He is obviously a very observant 17 moth old! Either that, or we haven’t “gotten away” with not being as sick this year as we were last year.

And it seems that Maacah and I are getting another cold. Sigh. So much for healthy people for the baby.

* By the way, this might sound strange, (but I do believe it’s working) I’ve decided that I will be pregnant on my due date. Why have I “decided” this? Because if I expect to be and I am, then I’m okay. And if I go “early”, I’m okay. Mentally, I need to be in the frame of mind to expect that there will be at least 2 more weeks of pregnancy, regardless of the things that are changing within my body getting ready for the birth. If I keep thinking that at any moment I could go into labor, I’m going to go crazy. Again. So, I’m not going to do that. I have surrendered myself to God and to His timing. His perfect timing. And even though I am ready for the birth, the baby obviously is not. And that is what’s important. There also will be no induction. As was pointed out to me, just the thought of inducing shows that I’m not truly waiting for God’s timing. I’ve repented of that and I feel calmer. *

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