A buffet of ideas

Brrrr! That’s all I can say for this day. The high was -2, but with the wind chill it made it a whopping -25! “We’re having a heat wave; a tropical heat wave!”. There was a 60 degree drop from yesterday morning (40 degrees) to this morning (-20 degrees, without the wind chill). Needless to say, we stayed inside today. Although, I did relent for a time and let the children out to play. I’m not sure why they wanted to go outside and especially stay outside. But they did, for about 20 minutes. Apparently, the snow looks warmer on the other side of the door. :0)

I’m still not into the swing of school yet. We have done some work, but it hasn’t been every day. It bothers me, but I can’t seen to get things in order yet. I know we have the “luxury” of going through the summer, but…. I still feel guilty. I’m working on getting the basics back into the schedule, then we’ll move into school. I know this might sound strange, but for the last two weeks before Nathaniel was born, the schedule was non existent or almost so. Getting back into things is becoming harder then it ever has before.

I have a question for you ladies. I realize that this question, or concern of mine, is not for the near future (at least I hope not). But it is still something that has been bouncing around in my brain as of late and I’d like to hear what you all have to say about it.

You all know about the long, 63 hours labor I had with Nathaniel and about all that has encompassed since then. I would very much like to avoid it all the next (possible) time. Of course, the oxygen being cute off to him and what not had nothing to do with me being overdue and having such a long labor. But it’s the “overdue and long labor” I would like to avoid.

Would it be a lack of faith and trust in God if I were to be induced for the next (possible) baby?
I’ve been thinking that those last few weeks of pregnancy and the first 3 weeks of Nathaniel’s life has been a huge test of my faith. And they have been. But, perhaps an even bigger test could still be coming? The Lord knows what is best for me and for the child. He knows what will be happening and the reasons “why”. Knowing and believing all that, would it be wrong to be induced? Would that be like “talking the talk, but not walking the walk”?

I know that if we are blessed with another child, I will be pressured on all sides to be induced. Will I be able to stand if not being induced is what I believe God wants? How do I discern what God wants? Up until now, Adam has be against me being induced, for the same reason I’m stating here: “You say you trust God and you will wait for His timing, but now you want to take things into your own hands and not wait on Him?”. I don’t know what he thinks now, but I suppose I will once he reads this (for he’s a faithful “follower”, you know. :0) ).

Like I said, it’s early yet to be “worrying” about this. But I have a feeling it will take that long (however long it will be) for me to come to a decision. And I would like to get as many different opinions as I can. Please let me know what you think!

And thank you, thank you so much to all of you who have followed our story along, who have prayed for us and who have left such wonderful, loving responses! The body of Christ truly is alive, even if we can’t always see it as close to us as we would like to.

BTW – I didn’t go sledding with the children on Saturday, so I have no pictures to post. Malachi, Nathaniel and I stayed home and took a nap. Ahhhh! It was such a nice 2 hour nap, too…

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