Doctor update and other things

We must have holes in our walls. Or floors. Or somewhere, because the flu bug has gotten in here and having a field day with everyone. Yours truly included. And you can rest assured, I certainly did not invite it in.

Yesterday, we saw the neurologist and Nathaniel had another EEG scan done. It turned out really good and there were no signs of seizures going on. One of the things that was used to test for seizures was a light that flashed at several different speeds: kind- of like a strobe light. And he did fine even with that. So we will continue with his medicine and let him “out grow” it. In about 2 months, we will go back and see the doctor. If all is well and we haven’t seen any seizure activity, then we will stop the medicine altogether at that point. Then, when he is about 6 months old, we will have another EEG scan to verify that there are absolutely NO seizures going on. We will also have another MRI done we he is 9 – 12 months old.

We were due to go and see some friends who live in the area, but on the way to the Clinic (2 1/2 hours south of us), Grace got sick with the flu. Then, while we were at the Clinic, Isaac throw up again and again and again…. We called our friends and made a rain check.

Poor Maacah. She was in the back between two throwing up children and there was no place for her to go. You know, we don’t need a bigger van because we all fit in the one we have and it runs fine. But, we need a bigger van because 7 people in a 7 passenger van doesn’t leave much “leg room”. Not to mention the fact that in Wisconsin, any child who is not 8 years of age OR 4’9″ OR 80 pounds, must be in a car seat/booster seat. So that leaves us with an infant and a toddler in car seats and two in booster seats. Trust me, that’s not a lot of room for a girl who is a bit bigger than your average 7 year old (she weighs 94 pounds and is 4’5″ tall). And now, today, she is sick.

*As an update to this post, the tribe has not put the vans up for auction yet, but they will at some point soon. What “soon” means, still remains to be seen. Apparently, they will not be replacing the big vans with newer vans. They will be replaced with mini vans and regular cars, due to the high gas prices. So, when ever things get “caught up”, they will be up for auction and we are told that they generally don’t go for much (meaning far less than the $8,000-$10,000 that a used 15 passenger van would usually go for) nor do many people want those big vehicles. That all fine with me! Gives us more of a chance!

And now my not-very-nice loving husband has left me to go and play up at his Dad’s wood shop. We bought some wooden puzzles at a thrift store yesterday and he wants to make ones like them, only bigger. I should have seen this coming, but he asked me if I’m feeling better and I said a little. Which means I feel good enough to sit here and type with out running to the bathroom. Not that I feel good enough to be home alone with 5 children, 2 of who are dependent on me for help, for who knows how long. He said it’ll be about an hour, but we’ll see. I finally get sick on a day when he is home, and what does he do? He leaves me anyway. Umph.

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