wwfm: I use my children….

We have a big house. I’m talking around 2,500 square feet of house. And with 7 people living in it, it tends to stay on the messy side of life. The answer? You have children: use them.

This may sound like a “duh” idea, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t have their children do things around the house. They might think that “it will get done faster if I just do it” or “it won’t get done as well as I want it to”. Those are both good, and probably true, statements. But, are the children really learning anything? (Except that Mom will always be there to clean up after everyone)

These are what the “jobs” are at our house:

Maacah: She cleans the upstairs bathroom* once a week, she cleans off the dirty dishes and puts them into the dishwasher every day and she puts her own clothes away.

Grace: She cleans the downstairs bathroom* once a week, she emptys the clean dishes from the bottom of the dishwasher every day and she puts her own clothes away.

Isaac: He empty the top dishwasher every day and he helps to spot clean the floor.

All 3 older children are responsible for keeping the school room picked up, picking up the living room (where their toys are), setting the table and cleaning it off, and having “after supper” jobs (sweeping, cleaning off the dishes and putting them into the dishwasher. Each night, the jobs changes for each child.)

Give the children age appropriate “jobs” and start them soon. Start them when the child wants to help and while it is still fun to help Mommy. This is what works for me!

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