Where I have been and why not here

Okay, so I haven’t been here for a while (I looked and it’s almost a month. gulp!) Why the silence? Well, I would say it’s because I have nothing to say. But as my dear husband so kindly pointed out to me, “You never have nothing to say!” (thanks sweetheart), I came to the conclusion that being on the computer just isn’t a top priority anymore. I won’t even tell you the many questions I’ve answered, the fights I broke up, the things my children have gotten into just for my to type these few words. So, I have found it works much better for me to pay more attention to them instead of what is on this blog (and other people’s blogs for that matter). We are a little more happier this way!

Things are a bit crazy around here, you might say. Here’s why:

1. We had to take apart our living room floor completely to find where a leak is coming from our in-floor heating. One wall in the room has moldy, totally falling apart sheet rock, about 3 1/2 feet up from the floor and spanning the entire length of the room (21 feet). Yeah. We found where it is leaking, but we have yet to successfully stop it.

2. The children and I are involved in the annual Christmas play at the Christian School. We have practice every day at 10:30 am (for those who can make it) and on Thursday nights at 7 pm. I don’t have a big part this time, only 12 lines or so. But it’s still a part. And, thankfully, there is no new music to memorize.

3. Adam is working. And working. And working… Need I go on? At some point, I would really like my husband back. Lately, he has been reminding me of the time we lived in Green Lake. He was always coming home grumpy and exhausted. It wasn’t his fault, really. It was a difficult schedule that changed from morning to night and back again. And he hated the job. He doesn’t hate this job (they have been soooo good to him!), but he is always way beyond tired and overwhelmed. This isn’t his fault either. But there is only so much a person can do. And take. Please pray for him!

4. I am struggling to keep school going. Don’t ask me why, for I’m not sure why. I’m just ….. struggling. I’m obviously not the poster mother for homeschooling…..

5. Our house has yet to sell and we’re not sure what to do about it. Or make of it. Is God telling us to stop trying? Are we to sit tight and wait longer? Obviously, this isn’t the best time to be selling a house. But God is God. He spoke this world into existence. He can sell a little house in a bad market if He wants to. But the fact is, no one has called about our house since mid-September. We truly thought that putting the house up for sale was what He wanted us to do. Now, for the reason above and some others, we’re not so sure.

6. I have been feeling more overwhelmed as of late. This is not something I like to talk about to most people because I don’t want to give them one more bit of ammunition as why many children are not good. But I think those of you who read my blog, are least at “with me” with the “children are a blessing” thing. Picking up, cleaning after, looking over, cooking for and just being there for 6 other people can be tough. When your eldest is only 7 1/2 and your husband comes home very tired and sometimes grumpy, you don’t get much help. Yes, help will come when asked (and if there is complaining, Adam is very good at supporting me), but the help doesn’t come any other way. There are times when I need more of the physical help then just the verbal help. But Adam is so tired that I just can’t bring myself to ask him. And the children are too young yet to really see the needs around the house. *sigh*

To end this rambling, here is a sweet little tale about how much a baby boy loves his Daddy.

The other night, I was sitting here at the computer and Nathaniel was in my lap. He was wiggling and I thought he wanted down. He didn’t. He started to cry and crawled up my leg to get back up. We did this a few times, until I just weathered his wiggling and ignored his (what seemed to me as ) attempts to get down.

Until at one point, he REALLY wanted down and was wiggling back and forth from one side to the other. Out of exasperation, I put him down. It was at that point that I saw Adam standing in the doorway. (When one sits at this computer desk, one’s back is to the door. I didn’t know Adam had come home from work yet.) He crawled as quickly has his little legs and hands could go to Adam. He went up the two steps up to the doorway where Adam was standing, faster then I’ve ever seen him go. Once at the top, Adam picked him up and Nathaniel put his little arms around his neck and hugged him tight! You could tell he just couldn’t get to his Daddy fast enough!

It was so precious to see this little baby boy love his Daddy so much! We’ve never had a “Daddy’s boy” at this age and let me tell you, this Mama doesn’t mind it one bit!

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