A little catch up

I think we all survived last week. The children insisted on being “real campers”, which meant getting there for exercises in the morning and staying until “camp fire” was done at night when the other campers were sent to their cabins. I wasn’t real keen on staying that late, but we never have stayed that late and I thought it would be a good time to let the children experience it. Of course, we also had Kentuck Days on Saturday (one of the 3 fairs we are selling cheesecakes and cream puffs at), so no one was able to sleep in that day either. We had church on Sunday, which we leave the house at 8:30am for, so all this made for a very long week. By Saturday night, Maacah was not thrilled and she has vowed not to stay that late at camp next year. We’ll see.

Kentuck Day wasn’t all that great. It rained a good portion of the day, which cut into sales big time. The cream puffs didn’t go over as well as we had hoped, but it is unclear whether that’s because of the item itself or because of the weather. We are still going to sell them for the centennial celebration (Crandon is 100 years old this year) on August 15, but we’re not so sure about after that for Art in the Square in Sept. We made about as much as we usually do selling just cheesecakes, and that includes raising the price this year. For the next fair, we will only sell 6 of our most popular flavors along with the cream puffs. Last Saturday, we had all 10 flavors of cheesecakes selling along side the cream puffs. It will be interesting to see if having less choices of cheesecakes make a difference or not in the profit.

I’m attempting to catch up on the laundry and cleaning that the last 2 weeks has kept me from. I have done laundry, don’t get me wrong, for we don’t have that much clothing! But it’s the sheets, towels, rags and the never ending regular clothing that needs to be done, too. I’m thinking my dryer is on it’s way out. It is still drying, sort-of, but it sure does make a lot of noise! I’m hoping that Adam can tinker with it to see if we can keep it a bit longer, yet loose the noise. It’s so noisy, that we it stops (after 40 or so minutes of going), your ears are ringing. We needed to replace our washer about 6 months ago and I understand that dryers usually last the least amount of time, so perhaps it’s just time anyway. We bought it new when Maacah was born, so 8 1/2 years of using it A LOT, it has put in it’s time and then some (for even when we had 1 child, don’t forget we used cloth diapers. And they need to be cleaned every 2 or 3 days.). I’ve been doing at least one load of laundry every day (except Sundays) for at least 2 years now. Needless to say, I need a dependable dryer, but one that doesn’t make as much noise as a child would be nice!

I have figured out what needs to be done for the girls to finish school by Oct. 3. My goal is to have all school done before (or by) the time the baby is born. Then, once things are settled and we are in our new “groove” with the newest member of our family, we can start school again in the next grade(s). It will involved doubling up on some lessons and doing a little work on some Saturdays, but I think we can pull it off. If I notice that the load is too much for someone, then we’ll back off a bit and either add more Saturdays to the mix or push the deadline back a few days. We would be done mid Sept., but we lost about 2 1/2 weeks of work this summer, so that puts us in the range of the beginning of Oct. That’s only 9 weeks away, so in the scheme of things, it’s not all that long of a way off.

Which means neither is this baby! Yikes!

One thought on “A little catch up

  1. Hello,
    Glad to know all is well and you all are …"busy"! it is the thing now at this time of year —busy-busy! Glad you are well…Where Jenn did near 30 weeks go? I am amazed at how quickly this has passed …it is that way for you? Our thoughts and prayers —
    Momma Mayo

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