Time to steal some…..time

It’s a little after 9 pm and I really should be in bed. But Damaris is still sleeping down here (she has just started to make noises), and so I’m talking these few minutes to write something. I’ve been wanting to for these past few days, but the time just hasn’t presented itself. Now I’m just “stealing” the moment.

We are making good strides with our new kitchen. The floor is all tiled now and it looks really nice. Adam, his father, and his 2 brothers got the double stacked convection oven into the room today. Boy, is it nice to get those off the porch! We have had them on there since September. It has gotten to the point that I can’t look at the porch without cringing. We look like hillbillies with the junk on there! Okay, so it’s not all junk, but I don’t like cluttered spaces anyway and that is defiantly what our porch is: cluttered. My goal is to some time soon get out there and clean it up. It would have been nice to do that before the snow came, but such is life.

We still have a ways to go with the kitchen, but it feels good to be this far and to see improvement.

My mother is coming this Monday and I’m so excited! The best part…well, one of the best parts, is that the children don’t know she’s coming. To make room for the new kitchen, we made the school room our living room. Which then caused us to move the school room into the guest room. And that had us moving the guest bed into the girls room. So she gets here at around 11 pm on Monday night and when we get home, the children will be sleeping. When they wake up in the morning, surprise! Grammy’s here!! I’m going to have to set my alarm early, just so I can be in their room to see their faces. It’s going to be great!

She will be here until the 30th, which is not a long time, but it at least is something. We have ginger bread house to make and a tea party to have while she is here. She doesn’t know this yet, but I’m going to ask her if she will also help my organize and clean out the school room, just in time for us to start our new school year. It is driving me crazy!! And there is no way I can spend a good bulk of my time in that room and still survive. Yes, it is that bad!

There are other things that I would really like to write about that are going on in our lives. But I’m not going to take the time right now. If I did, it would take longer and Adam would eventually come hunt for me. I am very tired and even though Damaris is still sleeping, I need to crawl in between my sheets and close my eyes.

Good night!

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