What does my computer say about me

This is a cute little window into what I usually search for.

Here are the rules: type into the search box, starting with the letter “a”. Record what is the first things to come up in the suggestions. Then type “b”, and so on and so on. I am doing this on my computer, so it doesn’t get mixed with the home computer that Adam and I both use.

A: Andretti Bartelli ~ the famous Italian opera tenor.

B: Bramble Berry ~ this is a website that sells ingredients for soap and candle making.

C: cardboard shredder ~ we were looking into buying a shredder to shred the many boxes we get each week. If you shred the cardboard, our worms can eat it faster. But then we saw the price and decided that we’ll just do it the old fashioned way: get it wet and tear it by hand. :0)

D: diapers for a year ~ I was investigating a claim that you can get diapers for a year. It’s a scam. :0(

F: frequent UTI ~ Grace has a problem with these and I was looking up information about it.

G: Gluten Free doughnuts ~ this one doesn’t need to be explained!

H: home made laundry soap ~ I made some about a month ago and I really like it!(I did something similar to recipe #2) It only cost me less than $10 and when I need to make the next batch, I only need to buy the bar of soap (which is about $2). Although I’ve used just the Borax and Washing Soda and they worked just fine without the soap, so I might just use them. We’ll see. Either way, $12 lasts 2 months or more! (keep in mind that I do, on average, 18 loads a week) 
I: icebergs ~ We were talking about icebergs with the children during our family Bible study one night and I looked up a picture to show them what one looks like.
J: Jimmie Moor of Bucktown ~ This person was talked about in a missionary book that we read to the children and I was looking up to see if there was anymore information about him (the person’s real name was changed in the book).

K: K type extinguisher ~ My father in law was looking for this type of extinguisher  for his Kettle Korn tent.

L: Lentil Science ~ This is the science curriculum that we use (that we received from a friend) and I was looking something up.

M: Moby wrap ~ I have one (that I made myself) and I was looking up there page to see the different ways to wrap your child. Unfortunately, the one that I have, is made from a material that is too stretchy  and the child doesn’t stay where they should very long. I would really like to have one that is not so stretchy, but spending $40 + shipping for a baby wrap is not really in our budget right now.

N: New Berlin, WI ~ I was looking up directions.

O:Other Mothers ~ This is a consignment store for maternity clothes, baby clothes, children’s clothes, baby furniture, etc.

P: potty training in 2 days ~ I was looking up a way to cheat an easy way to potty train Nathaniel. I didn’t find anything that I didn’t have to pay for.

Q: quotes ~ I’m not sure why this came up. But it did.

R: River Stone restaurant ~ This is our favorite restaurant around here. And that is saying quite a bit, since the restaurants around here are very poor and we are food snobs. ;0)

S: Shoes for Crews ~ These are the best slip resistant shoes you can buy! Seriously!

T: turtle dove ~ As we are going through Genesis, we talked about Abram sacrificing animals and one of them was a turtle dove and the children wanted to know what one looks like.

U: UWSP ~ In WI, there are many different campuses for the University of Wisconsin. One of them is in Stevens Point.

V: Verizon wireless ~ we were comparing their prices to a Trac Phone.

W: Weaver ~ the Weaver curriculum is written by Alpha Omega. Someone gave us this and I was looking things up on their site to see if I wanted to use it. I don’t.

X: x box ~ We don’t have a TV. We don’t use the computer for videos or anything of the sort (outside of educational things). And I defiantly wouldn’t be looking up an x box! I guess that’s why it’s called “suggestions”.

Y: yahoo maps ~ I was comparing maps from yahoo and google and map quest.

Z: Zucchini bread ~ I was looking up a recipe this summer to use up the zucchini’s.

So, what doesn’t my computer tell you about me?

I’m all over the place!! :0)

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