My first is in the double digits!

Maacah’s birthday was yesterday. She turned 10! How is it possible that she is in the double digits already?! WOW!

We have a tradition to go swimming on the child’s birthday, so we headed down to the Antigo Aquatic Center and had a blast! It has 2 pools, 1 in each “room”. One pool is a lap pool and goes from 4.3 feet to 12.3 feet with a diving board. The other pool, where we spent out time, goes from 0 feet to 4.5 feet, with a very gradual grade (like you would find at the beach). That end had fountains, “rain” coming down from pipes, fountains coming up from the floor…the littles had so much fun! At the other end of the pool, off to the side, was a large twirly water slide! The older children went down this time after time after time. The old parents were found also going down a time or two. Winking smile

Over all, a fun time was had by all and that, for the future, will be out pool of choice. Yes, it is about 45 minutes away, but it was only $9 for our entire family. The nearby hotel pool where we have gone before was $7 a person, including Damaris. The Antigo pool is a much better option!

For her birthday, I made her a butterfly wall quilt (I had spoken of it here). I actually finished it on time! Yay!! What do you think?

I did finish the quilt center (that I also mention here) but I forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it. Hopefully, when the quilt is done, they will send me a picture of it. I was quite happy with how that looked, too.

Here are the pictures from Grace’s quilt:

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