Another week down, 6 more to go

It’s amazing how time can fly and crawl at the same time, isn’t it? I’m 36 weeks along and it seemed to take a life time to get here, and yet at the same time, it’s been just the blink of an eye.

I made the comment this week of Facebook, that “I’m 36 weeks today, less than 6 weeks to go!”. A friend commented “…only you would say 6, most people would say 4!” and that is certainly true enough. I think most women would. However, most women don’t have 6 pregnancies to look back on and have an average like I do. My average was 7 days late until Damaris was born. Now my average is 10 days late (#1 was 8 days, #2 was 8 days, #3 was 12 days, #4 was 1 day, #5 was 8 days, and #6 was 27 days (yes, 27 days is correct. That is not a type-o.). So I have good reason to expect 6 more weeks of pregnancy. It is said that every pregnancy is different and it may just be that way, but it hasn’t been that way for me. Up until this point, all of my 6 pregnancies have been the same for the most part. But this one is just blowing everything out the window! (which is why I suspected twin in the beginning) Nothing is the same, except for the fact that I’m pregnant. Could it be that the different trend will continue and this baby will show up before the due date? Anything is possible. Yet I’m steering myself that it will be late like the others, so that if/when it gets to be my due date, beyond my due date, and still further beyond my due date, I can hopefully handle it better than I have before. I have always gotten into a mental “funk” that is quite difficult for me to get out of before the baby is born. This time, however, I’m really concentrating on not getting into the line of thinking  that inevitably takes me down that road.

The temperatures are quite high for northern Wisconsin today and it doesn’t look like they will be coming down any time soon. Boo!! We don’t have any AC, for our house is old and we have hydronic heat which relies on hot water flowing through pipes, so there are no ducts at all. Since we have an open floor layout, a window unit wouldn’t do any good. So I’m trying to keep in front of the fan as much as possible and to not cook as much as possible (which isn’t really possible when you own a catering business and you have 2 different functions this week along with the regular stuff). Most of the time, Adam does most of the cooking himself, but this week he said he’s going to need my help. Oh goodie. That kitchen is the worst! This morning, with no ovens, the stove, or the dishwasher on, it was 80 degrees in there. Disappointed smile You can imagine what it is when all that stuff is on and going. Yikes!!!

I think this worst part about the heat (aside from the heat itself), it the need for drinking more water. Hello!!! I don’t need anymore reason to waddle to the bathroom than I already have! At night is worse for me, for I wake up in pain because of “holding” it too long (although I’m not really holding it, for I don’t wake up until it has already started hurting). Oh well. This too shall pass. Until then, I’m praying that He keeps me calm among the sweat, patient among the lack of sleep due to the heat, and kind to others when I’m crabby.

Blessing to all of you this week! Stay cool for me, K?


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