Random Thursday

We all know that random things happen each week, so I am here to record some of ours. Not all, mind you. If I recorded ALL that has happened, well… I don’t think you’d ever come back! Plus then I’d have to take more pictures and try and remember more than I do.

And that’s not going to happen.

Last Saturday was our community homemade sled race for our community. We were going to cancel it, but I’m so glad we didn’t! We got enough snow just in time and the weather was clear and beautiful!  Of course, being the slacker busy mom that I am, I didn’t take any pictures. But I’m okay with that, for channel 12 has my back and took footage. (I must say, though, that the camera man showed up after the actual race and awards, so what you see are the children who were left going down the hill. But it’s all good.)

If you look closely, you will see me in the footage.

(the picture is linked)

We are a bit of an eclectic homeschooling family, esp. with the “curriculum” we use. The only firm curriculum we use is Mastering Mathematics by Letz Farmer and CLE Learning to Read. The rest? The older 3 copy the Bible, verse by verse, Mondays and Wednesdays along with math. Spelling and math are done Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I bought these spelling books for the children (Malachi’s will arrive soon) workbooks A, B, C, and D and they are really liking them. They are self paced, with a lesson each day if you want, and every 6th lesson is a review.

Adam is teaching History this year and is doing a GREAT job!!! He loves genealogy, he has a book published even, and has traced both our sides back to the Mayflower (and a little beyond). He is teaching about American history, starting with why the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower. What makes this so fun for the children is that he includes actual family ancestors in with the history he is talking about! They actually beg him to do history, which is done right after lunch before the table is cleared off and people are excused. Not only are they enjoying hearing about our history (both as a nation and a family), he is enjoying talking and teaching what he loves, and I am enjoying having him do it. It’s a win win win situation for sure!

When you leave your phone laying around, you never know what you’ll find on it.

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Both of my beautiful SIL’s are fabulous artists. Far better than I could ever hope to be. These are pictures taken from one of their house, of paintings she did for her kitchen and living room.

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Wouldn’t these make for some fabulous wall quilts patterns?! Trust me, the ideas a brewing in my head already.

So I’m a little bit behind (never mind that I was SICK with horrible nausea around Christmas time). But we got around to making flooded sugar cookies; Christmas style. It was a lot of fun! The children were all quite creative and while we won’t be making them again any time soon (so labor intensive with so many littles!), I’m glad we did them.

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My husband doesn’t sit well and not have something to play with. And that usually results with some very unique creations.


Who said that Legos are only for kids?


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