15 random things you didn’t want to know about me

Well, here is something interesting (or perhaps boring?). Here are 15 random things about me. My goal: to come up with something my husband doesn’t already know. I’ll let you know if I succeed or not.

1. I have been this tall since I was 12 years old (I’m 5’7 3/4“. I was also a size 12 when I was 12).

2. During college, I was so close to getting a tattoo. I was in the parlor, with my money in hand and I knew exactly what I wanted. Thankfully, my (then) roommate talked me out of it.

3. I have very vivid dreams. Sometimes so much, that I have a hard time deciphering if something was real or a dream.

4. Clutter bugs me. Things have there place and they need to be there.

5. Out of the rainbow, my three favorite colors are: green, yellow and blue. Out of those three, my preferred color is green.

6. The older I get, the greener my eyes become.

7. Somehow, for whatever reason, I always knew a few things about my future husband. He would be taller then me (Adam is 4″ taller), he would have dark eyes (Adam has dark, dark, dark green eyes), and he would be a farmer or a preacher (Adam is a part-time preacher with a black thumb).

8. Something else I have always known: I would be the mother to many children (many, of course, meaning more then the average 2.1 child in our society).

9. I am a horrible speller! Thank goodness for spell check!

10. I am slowly trying to become more comfortable and “okay” with my body the way it is now. Not that I’m going to stop trying to become more healthy. I just want to enjoy life and my family without the depressing thoughts of how heavy I am. I try to lose weight to stay active for/with my children, not because I desire a certain size or lbs. on the scale.

11. I lose weight with every pregnancy, which always leaves me with 15 lbs. of my marriage weight (and less then my pre-pregnancy weight). After 4 1/2 children, that makes me feel real good.

12. I would really love to write children’s stories. I have a whole series already in my head.

13. I love to travel and see the different places in our country. ( We are saving up for a motor homes for that purpose. We can’t stay in hotels all the time and we can’t eat out. Taking our beds and food with us is a good compromise)

14. I love my husband more today then I did when we married. The things we have been through (many of them being my fault), have shown my how much I am blessed to have him as a husband. And how truly special it is that he wants me.

15. My favorite flower is the sunflower.

I already know the truth: I couldn’t think of a single things that he doesn’t already know. Am I too open?

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