Summer break

I don’t have much time to talk this morning. Today is Malachi’s birthday (and my mother-in-law’s) and there is a party here tonight in honor of them. So there are many, many things I need to do in order to be ready.

But I wanted to stop and let you that I’m going on a “summer blogging break” and won’t be posting much. Maybe once a week, but nothing more than that. And sometimes not even once a week. With the weather being so nice, I want to spend my days with the children, not in front of the computer.

There are some exciting things going on around here ~ or at least they might be. We are going to be attending a church in Rhinelander and if that is where we believe that God wants us, then we will be moving there. I will post and let you know when/if that happens.

Also, I have been praying that the Lord provide us a 15 passenger van when He knows we will need one. The Tribe has 2 of them up for auction just recently, so perhaps this is God’s way of saying we will be needing it in the near future? But if that is true, we will have to make a decision. We have a certain amount in the bank that we could use for a down payment if we do indeed move (it is a possibility that we won’t make any profit on the sale of this house, so we will need that money in the bank. I’ll go more into detail later when I feel I can do so). But we would need to draw some of that out for a van or a newer car for Adam. Again, I will keep you posted on any changes.

Anyway, things are working and changin’ over here. Plus, many things are going before the Father (as always). So, with that, I will bid you adue. Have a great summer, ya’ll!

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