Dear Jennifer,

I heard, through the grape vine, that you are in the process of trying to lose weight. Good for you! I know from personal experience that it is hard and I thought perhaps you are having some difficulty. I thought I would take the time and send you and little note, encouraging you to keep it up and to keep vigil of the things you do and eat.

Here are a few of my thoughts (the order is of no importance):

1. Exercise is not of the devil. Don’t avoid it like the plague. Make it a point to do some kind of exercise every day. It will make a difference.

2. Don’t think, that because the butter cream frosting is made with maple syrup or honey, that it’s better for you than if it was made with powdered sugar. It does not mean that you can take a swipe with your finger every time you walk by. Or that you can lick the bowl clean. It’s a lie.

3. I know you have switched over to eating gluten-free, naturally sweetened food. That’s a great idea, esp. since you are defiantly seeing a difference. However, you should stop playing with different recipes. If you don’t have the “sweets” and such around, the temptation to eat them will disappear.

4. I know you dislike throwing away food ~ as do I. But eating the last 2 pieces of cake because no one else likes it, is not a good reason at all, however noble it might sound.

5. Don’t get discouraged! I know how frustrating it can be when you lose the same 2 pounds three times! But if you follow the advice above, you will get past this.

Please don’t take offense and think that I’m meddling. I really do care about where you are and how you’re dewing doing.


One thought on “Dear Jennifer,

  1. "4. I know you dislike throwing away food ~ as do I. But eating the last 2 pieces of cake because no one else likes it, is not a good reason at all, however noble it might sound."

    Isn't this so true?! We're told almost from birth that we have to clean our plates no matter what. The nutritionist I used to see said that was the #1 cause of eating troubles in America – because it totally distorts our sense of portion size and means we eat when we're legitimately hungry and when we feel like we have to (i.e. at fixed times at meals), instead of simply eating when we're actually, really, truly hungry. Ideally, this would always coincide with mealtimes, but sometimes (especially for those attempting to lose weight as well as those who have had trouble with portion size in the past… I fit both categories!) that doesn't happen! And that's nothing to be ashamed of. It's simply true!

    Cheering you on in your journey!


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