A new year. A new job. A new baby.

Today Adam starts the county job. It’s going to be really weird. He’s going to be in the commercial kitchen working, but he’s still going to be home. And he should be done delivering the food until 11 AM or so. But it’s going to be wonderful having him home. We’ll have to work out how it is going to work with how much we talk with him, bother him, and see him while he’s working in there. He has to have all the food done, about 80 meals a day to 3 different sites, by 9:45 AM to the first site. He’ll be doing as much of the work the day before as he can, so that there is not too much to do the morning of the meal.

I am also looking forward to not having to cook lunch. Yeah! We’ve decided that as long as he’s cooking food that morning, he might as well cook enough for our family for lunch. And that will be so nice! To get lunch finished at a good time, I need to start things at about 11 AM, but we are still doing school at that time and it’s not always easy to do both at the same time. Now I don’t have to! :0) And since Adam will be delivering food 4 days a week, each day he will take 1 of the 4 older children with him. It will be a good way for each child to spend time with Adam, something that doesn’t happen often. Monday’s will only be about 15 minutes, so Malachi will probably go with him that day. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday he’ll be gone for about an hour, so Maacah, Grace, and Isaac will go with him those days (1 child each day). That’s the idea, anyway. We’ll see how it really works.

Nathaniel will be 3 on Tuesday, January 4. It is so hard to get used to each new birthday! They grow up so fast, it about takes my breath away! We celebrated our family Christmas party New Year’s Eve, and since we have 3 January birthdays, we decided to celebrate the birthday that night as well. He’ll still get his birthday meal on Tuesday as well as little things, so the day is still special for him. He’s still no potty trained, but I’m working on it. I’ll admit, that my pride has taken a beating over this. All the other ones were done, both day and night, by age 3. Not him. Sigh And it’s not because I haven’t tried! He’s just so stubborn that he wants to wear “big boy undies” and not diapers anymore, but when we tell him to go to the bathroom (with us or the older girls) and try and go potty, he won’t do it. And so he ends up messing his undies over and over and over again, for days. And. He. Doesn’t. Care. So I’ve thrown up my hands in despair and put him back in diapers. I really think it’s a power thing with him, instead of an understanding thing. But, I’ll try it again. We’ll see. I know he will be trained one day and I’m aiming for it to be before August!

One day I think that the nausea has decreased, then I wake up the next day and rethink that idea! But I suppose all this nausea shows that things are good and all, so I’m not complaining. Much. :0) 8 weeks. 2 months already. I know this pregnancy is just going to fly! Although there are days where it seems to creep, but I think that’s the day itself. It would creep whether I was pregnant or not. I can’t say I’m bored, though. With 6 VERY active children in the house, there’s no chance of it! There are days where it’s nigh impossible for me to go to the bathroom without someone knocking “Mama? Are you in there?” “Are you done yet?”, “Mama! ______ did _______to me..!” It is all worth it, though. I love everyone of my children and I think the Lord for them daily. I really do. They have taught me so much! Things that I couldn’t have learned any other way. And I know that this baby will be as much of a joy to me as they are! Although the screaming and fighting I really could to without….

2 months down, 8 to go!!

4 thoughts on “A new year. A new job. A new baby.

  1. Wow!!! That is so cool that Adam is home and you get lunch with the deal! Praise the Lord! And the kids get that special time with Daddy! God is good! We are also soooo glad to have Daddy home (and gainfully employed) too!!

    The photo is great!

    Love, the Kleins

  2. Hi, sweetie! Today is Saturday and it’s a beautiful day outside. Cold but beatiful blue skies. I’m going to take a walk with Maggie in a little bit to soak up the rays! How did this week go with the new business? Ada is so well-organized and plans so well, I’ m sure things went swimmingly. How was schooling? Did the kids keep up the routine … or were they distracted because Daddy was just in the other room?

    How are you feeling? I hope this is the only tri-mester that is rugged for you. Could any of your symptoms be related to your taking in what/gluten again?

    Tina had a busy week doctoring. She had to cancel her ob-gyn appointment because of a conflict with a job interview Charlie had. She’s re-scheduled for the 12th. I’m taking her to the hospital Monday the 17th for a colonoscopy AND an endoscopic. Yesterday she saw the nephrologist who took some blood and then when she went to the hospital, the took 6 more vials of blood for a l-o-n-g laundry list of blood tests. Then she had an ultra-sound of her heart, her stomach aorta, her vena cava (corotid arteries in the neck) and her kidneys. I would say they are being remarkably thorough in checking this gal over. Thank the Lord! This is what she had been needing, & I feel very positive about all this attention.

    Charlie is still waiting on a job. He is losing weight and it’s NOTICEABLE! Freddie is doing very well and so is Victoria … for a 4-year old who has been spoiled by a grandpa. The neighbor-boy, T., whom I told you about, has been interviewed … & he confessed!! How about that! So it sounds like the authorities are going to press on through legal channels. If he shows up on the property, we call 911 and have him trespassed off. We’re feeling a little more relieved now … I wonder if his parents will call us …

    I’m good, as usual… brilliant, beautiful and bold… School is going so well this year. I did a training for 8 Payette teachers who are now using Language! What a different respect and utilization. This is where I belong!

    Grandma is doing well, too. She’s a little more dotty than she was last year. But with a dislocated shoulder and then stitches in her head, I guess she’s entitled to be a little dotty!

    I’m going to try to follow this blog more frequently and respond to you this way. I still will call because I love hearing your voice … but this is a good way to stay in touch, too. Love you forever … Mama

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